Romania's Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu on Wednesday had a telephone conversation with her Lithuanian counterpart Gabrielius Landsbergis amid the 100th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties between Romania and Lithuania."Firm committed to further enhance bilateral ties, our coordination withing EU, NATO, regional formats, international fora and continue support for Ukraine and Moldova," the head of Romanian diplomacy wrote in a social media post.According to the Romanian Foreign Ministry (MAE), Odobescu highlighted the strategic value of the enlargement of the European Union. She pointed out Romania's determination to continue political and practical support for Ukraine and Moldova, both in terms of the accession process and in the particularly difficult context generated by the war of aggression unleashed by the Russian Federation.The Romanian official welcomed the decisions of the NATO Summit in Washington that reaffirm the alliance's commitment to collective defence, including by strengthening the alliance's defence and deterrence posture on NATO's eastern flank.The two heads of diplomacy also discussed the latest developments in the Middle East. *** The Romanian Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) welcomes the celebration of 100 years since Romania recognised the Republic of Lithuania and implicitly since the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations, in which context it underlines the common values of the two countries.Romania and the Republic of Lithuania "share their support for a strong European project that can both respond to global challenges and provide effective answers to the expectations of European citizens, in the spirit of European solidarity, unity and cohesion," the Foreign Ministry said in a press release, adding that both countries support the importance of a sustainable transatlantic link as the foundation of a strong North Atlantic Alliance capable of responding effectively to all threats and challenges in the security environment.MAE mentions that, in the context of the Russian Federation's aggression against Ukraine, both states are determined to continue their multidimensional support for Ukraine and, further on, in the reconstruction process.Romania and the Republic of Lithuania also strongly support the advancement of the European path of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, as well as the efforts to increase the resilience of the Republic of Moldova in the face of the Russian Federation's destabilising actions.Romanian Foreign Minister Luminita Odobescu and Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis had a telephone conversation on Wednesday in the context of this anniversary.On August 21, 1924, Romania's Minister of Foreign Affairs sent a letter to his Lithuanian counterpart regarding Romania's recognition of the Republic of Lithuania.Diplomatic relations between Lithuania and Romania were interrupted in 1940 due to the historic context. Romania officially recognised the regained independence of the Republic of Lithuania on August 26, 1991, and diplomatic relations between the two states were re-established on September 13, 1991. The Romanian Embassy in Vilnius was established in 1992.