Russia's military aggression against Ukraine has brought the war back to Europe, French Defence Minister Florence Parly, who payed a visit to the 57th Air Base in Mihail Kogalniceanu, said on Sunday."Since February 24, a sentence has been on everyone's lips: the war has returned to Europe. A few weeks ago, many of us did not imagine that such a thing could happen. Today, war is a reality in Ukraine, at the gates of Romania and at the gates of Europe, at the gates of our Europe," she said.She underscored that there was only one person responsible for the war - Vladimir Putin. "After lying to the whole world, simulating the path of diplomacy, he has violated all of Russia's international commitments. He has chosen war, he has chosen violence and force to coerce a sovereign people, the Ukrainian people, who aspire only to peace in Europe," Parly added.The French high official spoke about the courage of the Ukrainian people. "Their courage obliges us," she said, praising Romanians' hospitality and initiative toward Ukrainian refugees. "The whole of Europe is participating in this effort, but you are at the forefront. For those you receive, you are the image of Europe," she told Romanians."Today, Ukraine is fighting for its freedom, and Europe is here to support the Ukrainian people," she said.At the same time, Florence Parly pointed out that Romania and France are more than partner states, they are friendly states.She also reminded that France will lead a NATO battle group in Romania as a nation-framework."This is further evidence of France's commitment to the Alliance's Eastern Flank," Parly added, while underscoring the defensive nature of this commitment. "Alliance does not threaten Russia, Europe does not threaten Russia. Nobody threatens Russia. Instead, it is our duty to show Russia that our unity cannot be broken when we have to defend our allies," the French minister added.On March 1, 235 French soldiers and technical means, from the 27th Annecy Mountain Hunters Battalion, led by Colonel Vincent Minguet, arrived at the 57th Air Base "Mihail Kogalniceanu," joining the 40 soldiers who were already in Romania, having arrived a couple of days before, informed the Ministry of National Defence.A total of 500 French and 300 Belgian soldiers, part of the NATO Response Force ground component, will join the Romanian military in measures to strengthen the Alliance's Eastern Flank.