The gold gram went up in price on Wednesday by 4.7284 lei (1.21%) getting to a quotation of 393.9593 lei from 389.2309 lei as they announced on Tuesday the National Bank of Romania (BNR), having a new record value.The national currency depreciated on Wednesday by comparison to the euro which was calculated by the BNR at 4.9758 lei up by 0.03 bani (0.01%) against the previous quotation, of 4.9755 lei.The leu lost ground against the American dollar, which was quoted at 4.5675 lei up by 0.72 bani (0.16%) as compared to Tuesday, when it was situated at 4.5603 lei.The national currency was depreciated against the Swiss Franc, calculated by BNR at 5.3002 lei, up by 0.51 bani (0.10%) against 5.2951 lei, the previous quotation.