Premier Nicolae Ciuca presented, in the Wednesday government meeting, the progress regarding the reforms and the stages of the targets in the PNRR, said the spokesperson of the government, Dan Carbunaru, who mentioned that during the meeting of the cabinet there was mentioned the possibility that a part of the targets assumed in the PNRR could be achieved in advance during the first quarter of the year. ‘During this government meeting, the premier presented the progress regarding the reforms and the targets in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). At the same time, and this will happen constantly during the following period, the premier was informed about the measures for the absorption of the money from the cohesion funds in the multiannual financial framework 2014 – 2020 – it is another two years during which we can use this money – and the measures for the absorption of the European money from funds included in the multiannual financial framework 2021 – 2027’ said Carbunaru at Victoria Palace.‘He was also asked how many targets and milestones were reached out of the 21 which had to be covered until the end of last year: ‘As you had the occasion to find out from the respective minister, Dan Vilceanu, the minister of investments and European projects, at the end of the year, presented the stage of implementation of each of the milestones, the targets assumed by Romania for quarter IV of last year. They have been reached. There are three domains which depend on the answer the European institutions must give as regards financing (…).They are, from the perspective of commitments which Romania assumed, and solved, and even more, today, in the government meeting, there was mentioned the possibility that the during the first quarter of this year Romania manages to cover, sometimes in advance, a part of the targets in PNRR’.Dan Carbunaru stated that he had no information that the money from the second installment from the European Commission had entered the National Bank account.The government spokesperson was asked about the delayed adoption of the necessary normative acts. ‘An important sum has already come to Romania, it is the sum connected to grants – approximately 1.9 billion euro coming to Romania last year, a sum approximately similar is going to come soon. It was an intense effort, as you remember, practically, a sprint to reach all the milestones one by one, all those targets, and finally, the main objective was that Romania manages to reach them and avoid blockage. From a formal point of view, the respective agreements you refer to and which have no immediate connection to the targets and milestones but to the development of the internal mechanisms for financial flows – they were solved in time and we hope we can confirm and deliver as soon as possible, practically a formality, as Romania met its obligations, so that we can confirm that the money came into the country’ , explained the spokesperson of the government.