Government spokesman Mihai Constantin announced that the Government in the extraordinary meeting on Friday adopted the emergency ordinance that triggers the process of organising simultaneously local and European Parliament elections on June 9."The election period for the June 9 elections will start on March 12, 2024, and will end within three days of the publication of the election results in the Official Journal," he told a press conference at the Victoria Palace.Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP) President Toni Grebla said that the AEP was a co-author, along with the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the drafting of the ordinance."If the two types of elections, the elections for the European Parliament and the local elections, had been organised separately, we would still have needed a normative act, an emergency ordinance, because in the meantime technical changes have occurred that made it necessary to regulate those areas. One of the changes concerns the organisation of voting abroad. The idea of those additional lists that were written in pen and signed by those who voted was abandoned. We now use the computerised system for monitoring voter turnout," said Toni Grebla.