The government approved on Friday the Emergency Ordinance capping electricity and gas prices for one year, for both household and industrial consumers, Energy Minister Virgil Popescu wrote on Facebook."One more year of government support for the Romanians' energy bills! The new measures coming in force on April 1 benefit 8 million households for electricity, and all households connected to the grid for natural gas, regardless of consumption. Together with Prime Minister Nicolae Ciuca and my government colleagues we approved the Emergency Ordinance on the measures applicable to end electricity and gas customers between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023," Popescu said.Final electricity bills for vulnerable households or for those affected by energy poverty will be capped on two tiers, based on their average monthly consumption in 2021 and the final gas prices.For electricity, the price will be a maximum of 0.68 RON/kWh, VAT included, for households whose average monthly consumption in 2021 is less than or equal to 100 KWh; and a maximum 0.8 RON/kWh, VAT included, for households whose average monthly consumption in 2021 is between 100 kWh and 300 KWh inclusive.For gas, the price will be capped at a maximum of 0.31 RON/kWh, VAT included.For non-household consumers, the price for electricity will be 1 RON/kWh at the most, VAT included, and for gas it will be a maximum of 0.37 RON/ kWh, VAT included, for an annual gas consumption in 2021 of 50,000 MWh at the most; the same applies for producers of heating energy intended for other consumers.Heat and power plants will buy natural gas for a regulated price of 250 RON/MWh, Minister Popescu specified.The draft regulatory act posted on Thursday evening on the website of the Energy Ministry also provided for a price of 150 RON per MWh for domestically produced gas. The Minister does not specify whether this proposal has been approved or not.