The government has initiated steps to acquire the stake held by the EBRD in operator of the Republic of Moldova's Giurgiulesti International Free Port Danube Logistics SRL."I want to particularly mention a memorandum adopted today by the government: the approval of the initiation of negotiations with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - EBRD, for the purchase by the Romanian state, through National Company Constanta Maritime Ports Administration, a trading company under the authority of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, of the Danube Logistics SRL stake held by the EBRD," government spokesman Mihai Constantin said at the Victoria Palace on Wednesday.He also mentioned that a negotiation commission will be created to deal with this matter, which will include representatives of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, the Transport Ministry, and the Finance Ministry, tasked with opening negotiations with the European Development Bank for the acquisition of these shares so that the Romanian state acquires majority control over the Giurgiulesti Port, through National Company Constanta Maritime Ports Administration.