Custodian of the Crown of Romania, Margareta, and her spouse Prince Radu welcomed on Monday at the Elisabeta Palace visiting President of the Moldovan Parliament Igor Grosu, with talks focusing on aspects related to the domestic and foreign contributions of the Romanian royal family to Moldova's EU accession."I had the opportunity to meet again with Her Majesty and His Royal Highness, true ambassadors, friends and supporters of the Republic of Moldova; as I was in Bucharest, it was only fit for me to answer their invitation for us to meet, to discuss and get updated about the progress made by the Republic of Moldova. I thanked for the help offered, for their entire contribution. On December 14, 2023, the European Union adopted a historic decision for the Republic of Moldova - the opening of accession negotiations. The Royal House of Romania has made its contribution, not always displayed in the public eye, but we are aware of the occasions when they brought our cause into discussion, argued and convinced friends from the West, from the European Union, from Western capitals, how important this decision is for the Republic of Moldova. We thanked once again and we further count on help and support," Igor Grosu said in a press statement."What [we need] now is expertise and immediate support at the actual launch of the negotiation process, and here we rely heavily on Romania's help. Otherwise, technical assistance, experts, people who participated in the negotiation process, who have experienced firsthand what this means. We heartily invite them, as we are hiring to important positions in the Republic of Moldova," stated Grosu."We discussed ways how Her Majesty can support in 2024, through action in the country, in the Republic of Moldova and the European capitals, the European path of Moldova. The Crown Custodian has publicly stated the commitment of the Romanian Crown for the European path of the Republic of Moldova as early as in 2013," the Royal Family of Romania wrote on Facebook.