After visiting on Saturday a hydropower plant started before 1989, in the northeastern county of Iasi, near Pascani, which is currently in an 80% execution stage, the Energy minister Sebastian Burduja asked the Hidroelectrica management to accelerate all investments that were begun before 1989."The project you see here, this reservoir in the making, is 80% complete, it will have a capacity of 68 million cubic meters of water. We are next to the Siret River and this is where the hydroelectric plant will be of approximately 10 megawatts of installed power, which is also at a stage of 80%. From 1985 until today, the Romanian state has spent here somewhere over 400 million RON. To be able to complete this work, we still need about 60 million euros, plus approximately 30 million RON for the expropriation of these lands. We are talking about an area of 2,300 hectares. I came here today together with the team from Hidroelectrica, together with the local authorities to boost things and to ensure that this project is moving forward," the Energy minister wrote on his Facebook page."If everything goes according to plan, we will manage in a few months, until the middle of next year, to expropriate these over 2,000 hectares, which has not been possible for decades, and in the first part of 2026 all the work it should be ready. What should be remembered here is that it is not only a matter of 10 megawatts of installed power, so a relatively small capacity to produce electricity, but of a systematization of the entire area and the Siret River, which means that we prevent the risk of floods. Only in the last years, Romania spent over 250 million RON because there were floods and very large damages in the area of the Siret river. We could have invested that money, completed this work and protected the people from these misfortunes," said the Energy minister.