The Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, Catalin Drula, declared on Thursday, in Braila, that the roads that will connect with the Suspension Bridge over the Danube will be ready at the end of next year, once the bridge works are completed, with the traffic to be open from the day of the bridge's inauguration, including for heavy traffic."We have, on the one hand, the bridge itself, whose construction is advancing according to the schedule, and, on the other hand, the connecting roads on the Braila and Jijila banks, completely unblocked this year, along their entire length. The bridge will open at the end of 2022, together with 10 km of connecting roads, on the Braila-National Road 22 (Smardan-Macin) relation," declared Catalin Drula.The minister of transport mentioned the presence at the Braila Bridge of the Japanese Ambassador to Romania, Hiroshi Ueda, who participated in the ceremony dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Romania, in the context in which the Japanese company IHI deals the implementation of the bridge project in Braila, together with the Italian company Astaldi.The minister of transport went to the construction site of the bridge together with the Deputy Prime Minister Dan Barna, who said on this occasion that the Suspension Bridge over the Danube from Braila represents "an unprecedented project in Romania due to its complexity and the level of technology introduced here", being also "an objective with special symbolism and because we have European financing, one of the providers is from Japan, the other is from Italy, and some of the suppliers are from Romania." (Photo: Catalin Drula / Facebook)