“The Executive approved, by decision, the rehabilitation and modernization of Drobeta-Turnu Severin port, the total investment value being 125 million lei, to be made in 24 months,” said Mihai Constantin, government spokesman. “The main works planned for the commercial port include: rehabilitation of the existing vertical docks of 300 m., the rehabilitation of railway platforms and rails of 260 m, as well as the rehabilitation of the concrete platform for storing-operating goods on an area of 3,500 sq.m. For the passenger harbour, the following works will be carried out: rehabilitation of the existing dock of 580 m, by the local repair of degraded concrete; modernization of the 170m dock ; rehabilitation of 10,850 sq.m. of platforms and road; rehabilitation of 3,040 sq.m of sidewalks along the docks; installing two electric power supply stations for cars (11 double supply systems 1 x 5, 2x3)”, the press release shows. The source points out that the repair of the vertical dock will contribute to developing the transport of goods in the port. The investment objective will be financed from foreign grants through the Transport Program (2021-2027) and by the state budget, through the budget of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, in the limits of amounts approved annually for this destination, according to public investment programs approved by law.