The estimated gross domestic product (GDP) for 2020, semi-final data, was 1,058 billion lei in current prices, decreasing - in real terms - by 3.7% compared to 2019, according to data with the National Institute of Statistics (INS).In the provisional version on the evolution of GDP last year, published in spring, the National Institute of Statistics maintained at 3.9% the estimate regarding the decrease of the Gross Domestic Product in 2020.In 2020, by categories of resources, the most important changes in the contribution to GDP growth, between the two estimates, were registered: industry, from -1.9% to -0.9%, as a result of the change in the volume of activity by +4.6 percentage points (from 90.9% to 95.5%); financial intermediation and insurance, from 0.0 to -0.7%, as a result of the change in the volume of activity by -27.8 percentage points (from 98.6% to 70.8%).By categories of uses, in 2020, more important changes in the contribution to GDP growth, between the two estimates, recorded gross fixed capital formation, from + 1.5% to + 0.9%, as a result of the change in volume or by -2.7 percentage points (from 106.8% to 104.1%); the variation of stocks and valuables, from -0.9% to -0.3%.