The number of prosumers reached, in October 2023, 101,605, with an installed power of 1,298 MW, and by the end of the year it is estimated somewhere at 1.5 GW, which means that it will exceed the installed power of the two reactors at Cernavoda, the chairman of the National Energy Regulatory Authority, George Niculescu, declared in a press conference on Thursday."If in 2018 we had 601 prosumers, in 2019 we had 905. In 2020, the number increases to 2,257, in 2021 to 14,221, in 2022 to 40,812, and in October 2023 to 101,605, with an installed power of 1,298.94 MW. The phenomenon is evolving. We estimate that by the end of the year we will have 1.5 GW, from the data we will collect. That means we will surpass the two nuclear reactors from Cernavoda," said Niculescu.He emphasized that, at the beginning of the year, the installed power was 478 MW.Units 1 and 2 from Cernavoda each have an installed production capacity of 700 MW and provide approximately 20% of Romania's energy needs.