His Majesty King Felipe VI awards the Sibiu International Theatre Festival (FITS) with the Plaque of Honor of the Order of Civil Merit of Spain, the organisers announced Friday in a press release sent on Friday."We are delighted that the Sibiu International Theatre Festival is receiving this beautiful recognition from His Majesty the King of Spain and that His Excellency the Ambassador will come specially for this event in Sibiu. During the 31st edition of FITS, we are presenting a very rich Spanish Season and we are very happy about the strategic partnership with Spain. Rafaela Carrasco, Barcelona Flamenco Ballet, Yllana Musical Opera, which has had a tremendous success all over the world, Spanish music, aerial dance and circus from Spain, all feature in this edition's programme. We will also have two great Spanish universities in Sibiu, we will present reading performances together with the Cervantes Institute, there will be special conferences with Rafaela Carrasco, with David Gutierrez, who leads the Barcelona Flamenco Ballet. It's a huge season!," said FITS president Constantin Chiriac.The award will be presented by the Spanish Ambassador to Romania, José Antonio Hernández Pérez-Solórzano, during the 21st edition of FITS, which will take place from June 21 to 30 2024 in Sibiu.