Bestjobs recruiting platform announced on Tuesday that it reached the threshold of 40 000 positions opened by companies, so that the job offer in March exceeding all data recorded until now, at least since the sanitary crisis appeared in Romania. “Moreover, statistics in quarter 1, 2022 show that the job offer grew by 50% compared to the same period of 2021 and show a significant growth of activity in the labor market, on the background of lifting restrictions and returning to the work rate specific of the pre-pandemic period,”the platform shows. All that characterizes the post pandemic labor market, remote and hybrid jobs are to be found in company offers and record a higher share related to the total volume of jobs. Thus, in March alone, 10% of total jobs published by BestJobs were remote, while 14% allow flexible work, by dividing activities between house and office. The activity increase in March is seen by candidates too, as they explore with interest new jobs appeared in the labor market. 14% more job applications have been registered in the platform, 14% more applications to job offers compared to the previous month. The biggest interest was recorded in Sales, with over 89,000 applications in management, with over 62,000 applications in Finance/ Accounting, with over 46,000 applications. The top of counties with the highest volume of applications is kept in the same formula as since the beginning of the year: Bucharest and Ilfov, by about 232,500 applications , followed by Timis, with 59,500 applications and Cluj with over 38,000 applications.