Lanes for vehicles registered in the European Union will become functional at several checkpoints in Romania, according to Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu."Today, we are meeting one of the essential requests of hauliers: lanes for vehicles registered in the European Union become functional. Yesterday, traffic opened on such a lane at the Calafat customs, and starting today such lanes are in place at Nadlac 2 and Bors 2. The Giurgiu customs will follow soon, and so our hauliers will have priority over hauliers from Ukraine or Turkey," Ciolacu told a government meeting on Friday. The road access lane dedicated to EU-registered trucks became operational on Friday at the Bor? II customs, announced the head of the Territorial Inspectorate of Border Police (ITPF) Oradea, Superintendent Marin Bondar. ‘Traffic has started for one hour on this special lane, becoming operational around 11:30 both for getting into the country and getting out of the country’ said the head of ITPF Oradea.As regards another similar lane at the border crossing point at Nadlac II, the head of ITPF Oradea said that the border crossing point is ready, but CNAIR employees are still working on the installation of signs."This lane will also be released in an hour, two hours at the most. As this is a nationwide provision, this special lane will certainly be opened in N?dlac II," stressed Superintendent Marin Bondar. A similar lane, the first in the country, opened on Thursday at the Calafat customs point. Transport Minister Sorin Grindeanu announced that the Control and Collection Agency (ACI) will set up a lane only for EU-registered vehicles at several border crossing points.