The large state companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) currently have a cumulative capitalization of almost 110 billion RON (rd 22 billion EUR), compared to 26 billion RON 10 years ago, BVB president Radu Hanga told Wednesday's event celebrating the tenth anniversary of Electrica's listing on the BVB."In the meantime, the listing of Hidroelectrica, among others, happened, but even beyond that, we see a fourfold increase in the capitalization of companies in which the state is an investor on the stock exchange, and we also see a doubling of the presence of state companies on the Bucharest Stock Exchange. The share of state companies has increased from 25% to almost 50%. Of course, the energy sector and the utilities sector are the best represented," said Hanga.He emphasized that the stock market is the place where the interest of the state, that of developing the economy, intersects with the interest of companies and private capital."It is no coincidence that the term public company is used both to designate state companies and to designate companies listed on the stock exchange. It is somehow a link between the stock market and the public domain. The stock market, after all, is the place where the state's interest of developing the economy intersects with the interest of companies and private capital," added the BVB president.