The maintenance capacity for Black Hawk helicopters is to be built at Romaero with Lockheed Martin and Aerostar, Economy Minister Florin Spataru said on Wednesday after the signing ceremony of the letter of intent with Lockheed Martin."It is a maintenance capability for these Black Hawk helicopters that the Ministry of the Interior has purchased. Our intention and that of Lockheed Martin is to develop this capability both for use in Romania and for the regional projects they have. This capability will be built at Romaero in collaboration with another Romanian company, Aerostar, and tomorrow we will start discussing what assessment we have to make, what are the necessary investments, how we materialize this partnership, through a formal association and after that we start working... Lockheed Martin will come with a technology transfer and train the staff. The investment will be made by both Romaero and Aerostar, and we asked Lockheed Martin to join the association as well. with a percentage," said Spataru.Asked how Lockheed Martin will participate, he said it could be in the form of equipment or know-how.Asked when the helicopters would arrive in the country, he mentioned that the first one would arrive early next year.The economy minister and the two vice-presidents of Lockheed Martin, Ray Piselli and Dennis Goege, signed on Wednesday the letter of intent by which the American company expresses its readiness to conclude partnerships with the Romanian state for investments in the Romanian aeronautical industry, according to an Economy Ministry's release.