The Governments of Romania and Hungary share a common interest in the development of the East-West transport infrastructure, prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Wednesday, after the meeting he had on Wednesday, at the Victoria Palace, with his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban."Fruitful discussion in Bucharest with PM Viktor Orban about the priorities of Hungary's upcoming future presidency of Council of the EU. Our Governments share a common interest in the development of the East-West transport infrastructure", stated Marcel Ciolacu on Wednesday, in a post on his X account.Prime minister Viktor Orban is participating on Wednesday, in Bucharest, at the invitation of president Klaus Iohannis, in a working meeting dedicated to the preparation of the future Strategic Agenda of the European Union, together with the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, the prime minister of Belgium, Alexander De Croo, and the prime minister of Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic