In June, Bucharest will host a meeting of the inter pares Evaluation Group for exchange of information upon request of OECD Global Forum on transparency and exchange of information for fiscal purposes. According to a memorandum adopted by the Government on Thursday, the event will be held at the International Conference Center of the Chamber of Deputies, for four working days. The event will gather about 150 people – delegates of member states, observers evaluated jurisdictions, evaluators and observers, according to a press release of the Executive. “Romania will host in June a meeting of the evaluation group for exchange of information on demand of the Global Forum on transparency and exchange of information for fiscal purposes. The Group will supervise inter pares evaluations of the Global Forum, about the standard on exchanges of information upon demand,”said the government spokesman Mihai Constantin. At present, the group is chaired by Belgium, assisted by four vicepresidents – Cayman Islands, India, Sweden and the United States. The group meets three to four times a year to discuss and approve inter pares evaluation reports and suggestions on other aspects concerning the review of EOIR standard, which are later presented for adoption to the Global Forum, the government informed. “The organization of the event will bring image benefits to the fiscal administration in Romania, offering the opportunity to prove the active involvement of the country in reaching joint objectives of the Global Forum. It will also contribute to the promotion of a better understanding of standards in the field of fiscal transparency. At the same time, hosting the event points out Romania's engagement towards its obligations as future OECD member state, proving support for the activity and global objectives of the organizaton. The event will also consolidate Romania's interaction with representatives of OECD member states and of third jurisdisctions in the field of fiscal transparency, “the government informed.