Romania and Belgium signed a Memorandum in the field of agriculture and rural development which has in view to intensify dialogue between groups of experts on research, technology, farm digitization and development of ecological agriculture. According to a press release of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) held in Brussels, minister Adrian Chesnoiuhad a meeting with David Clarinval, the Belgian federal minister of middle classes, independents, small companies and agriculture, institutional reforms and democratic renewal, which had in view to continue dialogue on cooperation in the field of agriculture. “The memorandum signed today opens the path to collaboration to relaunch programs supporting small farms, the rural social - professional network and increasing the role of women farmers in agriculture,”said Adrian Chesnoiu. Other relevant topics during talks had in view the importance of cohesion policies and the Joint Agricultural Policy within the Multi annual Financial Frame, the promotion of specific programs in the field of ecological agriculture, exchanges of experience in the food industry, the role held by temporary workers in European agriculture, organizing again fairs and agricultural salons, seminars with specialists in other fields, for the promotion of bilateral and European projects, the need to identify efficient instruments for crisis management in the farming domain. The Romanian minister invited federal minister David Clarinval to visit Romania.