The report referring to challenges of crossborder cooperation with neighbour countries signed by the liberal (PNL)MEP Daniel Buda was adopted on Tuesday by the European Parliament plenum, gathered in Strasbourg, with 559 voted for, 20 against and 36 abstentions. The report mentions the fact that crossborder cooperation has three main objectives such as promoting economic and social development in border areas, approaching joint challenges for environment, public health or security, as well as creating better conditions for the mobility of people, goods and capital. “We are talking about a report involving 228 million citizens on both sides of the border, 33 countries and 186 regions. This report intends to point out realities and needs of these regions in the EU border area, connected to infrastructure development at various levels. If we speak about road infrastructure or about school or health infrastructuresm these areas have the possibility to access European funds to be able to develop even areas outside EU, such as Ukraine and Moldova,” said Daniel Buda in a briefing to Romanian journalists presented in Strasbourg on Monday. Daniel Buda, who is vicepresident of the Commission for agriculture and rural development, says that EU has such an approach due to a simple reasoning. “If we consider Ukraine or Moldova, EU wants to have powerful neighbours to be able to cope with major challenges that could appear in time, as it happened with Covid pandemic,” he explained.