The NATO deputy secretary general, Mircea Geoana, said on Monday, during a visit to the factory in Brasov of the group that produces components for Airbus, that Romania must have and has the ambition to become the fifth institutional player in the Aerotec group."I know that there is a dialogue between the Romanian authorities and the management of this very important group, which would mean very well-paid jobs, the stabilization of talent here in Romania, and would also mean a more competitive economy. (...) I think that Romania must have the ambition not only to be a beneficiary, but also a partner in such industrial groups. (...) I appreciate the ambitions of the management in Romania for our country to go to the upper level, through additional investments, through jobs and technology. I'm glad to see Romanian companies contributing to this ecosystem: I was looking at the robotics part - one from Cluj makes the software, a company from Brasov transports the finished product to Germany and other destinations. The presence of such an industrial compound does not represent only jobs for those who work here, but also for many other smaller companies in the ecosystem of this elite industry," Geoana said.At the same time, he mentioned that the factory in Romania is certified by the NATO procurement agency, which means that whatever is currently produced in it can be sold in any partner country of the Alliance."When the Soviets occupied Romania, they tried to destroy the Romanian aeronautical industry and I am glad to see that it is reborn. For the military industry, as well as for the civil one, the association with such concerns represents a path that I encourage and I am convinced that the decision-makers from Bucharest and Toulouse will give it the necessary attention," Mircea Geoana pointed out.The factory in Brasov is part of the European concern Franco-German-Spanish-British EADS, which produces aeronautical equipment including for the European defense industry.