The Government approved the modernization of Cugir Mechanical Plant, the investment amounting to about 410 million RON, and the project is set to run for three years, the spokesman of the Executive, Mihai Constantin, announced."After the recent approval of the Defence Industry Strategy and the investment location in "Victoria" gunpowder factory announced last weeks, a new project has received today the Government's approval in this field of arms manufacturing, namely the modernisation of the Cugir Mechanical Plant in order to increase the production capacity and diversify the range of NATO ammunition," Constantin said.He said that the investment is worth about 410 million RON and will be financed from the state budget, with the project duration estimated at 36 months, three years."The reorientation towards a modernised production line at the Cugir Mechanical Plant will lead to increased operational efficiency, quality standardization, and will bring benefits to the safety and flexibility of production there. Additionally, for context, the defence industry sector is a strategically important segment of our economy and is meant to support the country's defence preparedness effort, so as to meet its own needs and honour the obligations assumed by our country as a NATO member," Mihai Constantin added.