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Murielle Lorilloux, CEO Vodafone Romania, presents the progress of the company on the three priorities in her first year of mandate

November 16, 2018

Big Data & AI   The company is in an ongoing process for insourcing and recruiting high-skilled professionals for the digital teams, developing more and more models within the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Using Big Data, Vodafone will be able to predict what each of the customer needs and offer it in a proactive, contextualized way. Since 2017, Vodafone Romania increased its processes and capabilities for offering more personalized offers for its clients. Versus last year, out of the total renewals, the company multiplied seven times the personalization process. Earlier this month, Vodafone Romania made a pilot project, where the Big Data & AI team designed an algorithm which is able to make predictions based on existing customers profiling. Using Big Data & AI, the software was able to make the right predictions based on clients’ information and profile.   Expanding into home   This year, two important milestones were achieved: the transaction of UPC and the wholesale agreement with Telekom. This two projects will bring value for the market, along with better offers for clients. The acquisition of UPC is an important milestone and also a great opportunity to deliver better convergence and fixed services to Romanian customers. Moreover, after the finalization (expected in mid-2019) of the merge process, the Romanian market will benefit from better solutions and also from an improvement in terms of competition and infrastructure. In addition, the company has launched Vodafone TV, an important step into the area of video on demand. The application offers a lot of new features, such as download to play, personalized suggestions, catch-up functions. All these customization features offered by Vodafone TV are part of the new trends and future.   Digitalization   Vodafone Romania is a 360 degree company, currently moving from a traditional telecommunications provider, to a fully communications one. Also, the shift involves digital transformation, a process that enables the company to provide digital applications and solutions beyond just connectivity. In terms of progress, the digital sales multiplied by three in the past three months, along with multiply of two for retentions. Vodafone Romania also invested more in digital advertising in order to bring more relevance to customers and to increase efficiency. Company’s digital offers and campaigns, such as Vodafone Shake and Mystery Box, had very good engagement with customers. Recently this year, the company launched an online call agent, available on www.vodafone.ro, to help clients to easier get products. This solution, the first adopted by a telecommunications company in Romania, is just a first step of the transformation of company’s website. Anytime, a client can get in touch through a video-call with one Vodafone agent in order to get the needed info for products, a capability that is reducing time to go to shop and simplifies acquisition processes using a digital tool. All these achievements were possible due to the internal digitalization processes. Vodafone Romania is now becoming a digital company by definition, from the design & functionalities of our headquarters, to how it creates our offers, provides customer service and customer care. This year, Vodafone switched, for some departments, to the Spotify Organizational Model. Thus, the Digital team is working in squads, an organizational model that offers early and predictable delivery of products, ease of changes, better quality of products and better focus on customers. Murielle Lorilloux also mentioned that the company we’ll continue to pursue on the three strategic directions, along with an important sector of growth represented by Internet of Things. This autumn, Vodafone Romania launched the first NarrowBand-IoT with country-wide coverage in South-Eastern Europe prepared to provide its enterprise customers the possibility to develop and implement a wide range of solutions and applications to improve their business processes. Moreover, the recently launched smart supermarket launched together with Mega Image provides our position on the market as partner of choice for companies. This project showcased the way we create better customer experiences with help of IoT solutions. Transportation is one of the largest and fastest growing IOT verticals, both in business and in consumer applications. The portfolio of Vodafone Romania IoT solutions includes also car fleet solutions, both for corporate and consumer customers.   Employment and improving customer support   Vodafone Romania conducted an insourcing process consisting of bringing call center teams within the company. This process aims at delivering best experiences to customer and making real difference to them and to communities. More than 700 people have joined the company’s team this year. The company is expanding teams, creating new jobs adapted to its transformation process. Vodafone Romania is in the middle of a process that will lead to about 1,000 new employees joining company’s teams. 5G is one key topic for next year and a very important enabler for the market. The technology will provide better efficiency, lower latency and will help develop even more and better automotive solutions.

The post Murielle Lorilloux, CEO Vodafone Romania, presents the progress of the company on the three priorities in her first year of mandate appeared first on Nine O' Clock.

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