The net nominal average salary was 2,688 lei in September, up 19 lei (+0.7pct) as compared to August, while the gross one increased to 4,482 lei, by 0.7pct higher than in the previous month, according to data released by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) on Wednesday. The highest net nominal average salary was registered in crude oil and natural gas extraction (6,465 lei), and the lowest in hotels and restaurants (1,567 lei). As compared to last year’s September, the net nominal average salary increased by 13.1pct. The index of the real salary earning against the same period of the previous year was 107.7pct. This index was 100.2pct for September 2018 compared to the previous month. Compared to October 1990, this index was 192.1pct, by 0.5 percentage points higher than in August 2018. “In September 2018, in most economic sector activities, the net average salary was higher than in August 2018, as a result of occasional bonuses (quarterly, annual, for outstanding performance or for “Oilman’s Day”), in-kind rights and cash benefits, amounts from net profit and other funds (including meal vouchers and gift vouchers),” the INS informs. The most significant increases in net average earnings were recorded in the extraction of crude oil and natural gas (plus 21.1pct) and the most significant decreases in the production of other transport means (minus 5pct) and telecommunication (minus 4, 2pct).
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