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New edition of the Study UK Exhibition fair comes with new educational offers for the youngsters who are interested

November 16, 2018

On Saturday, November 17, British Council is waiting for the youngsters who are interests in studying in UK, to come to a new edition of the fair called Study UH Exhibition, at the Sheraton Hotel, in Bucharest. Access is free, and participants can register for free on www.britishcouncil.ro. With more than 10 free informational seminars and a fair where they can meet the representatives of the British universities, the event gives the youngsters the opportunity to receive up-to-date information and advice regarding the studies in UK. This year, six prestigious universities will present their educational offer containing university and post-university programmes for those who are willing to continue studying in UK and benefit from an education that is appreciated worldwide. Some of the present universities are top destinations for the Romanian students, such as The University of Manchester or University of Warwick. Furthermore, participants can attend free seminars and presentations held by specialists from UK and Romania, where there will be approached topics like: preparing the application file, choosing the study programme, building a successful portfolio, training for the IELTS test, the admission process or adapting yourself as a student. A novelty of the programme of this year’s edition is given by the “ALUMNI INSIGHTS” SESSIONS with top Romanian graduates from UK, where the youngsters who are interested in the British education in fields like science, IT, medicine or business will be able to find information and advice on being a student, the academic expectations and the professional opportunities. The “Alumni Insights” Sessions will be held on Saturday, November 17, between 13.30 and 15.00, under the Study UK Exhibition. “We are glad that UK continues to be a favorite destination for the Romanian students, and by Study UK Exhibition, we wish to remind them that education has no borders, and in 2019 they will benefit from the same rights and advantages for studying in UK, as well as from all the support to access the programmes helping them reach their potential. By the innovative teaching methods and the research programmes recognized at global level, British universities offer a top education to the young people, and Romanian students bring added value to the campuses in academic and cultural terms”, stated the Director of British Council Romania, Nigel Bellingham. The British education field is one of the most international of its kind in the world. UK continues to be a top destination for the Romanian students, and pupils and teachers from the EU member states and from other countries continue to be more than welcome. The students in European Union will have access also in 2019 to the governmental loans for studying in UK, and the level of the study fees remains unchanged. British universities provide a welcoming environment for the international students, which is also proved by the high level of satisfaction among the students. For more details, please access: https://www.britishcouncil.ro/studii-marea-britanie/education-uk. Study UK Exhibition is organized by British Council Romania, with the support of its partners: The UK Embassy, British Romanian Chamber of Commerce, FISCHER International, IntegralEdu, Liga Studentilor Romani in Strainatate.   The context of education in UK   For the current EU students, as well as for those starting their studies in 2019-2020, there will not be any change in the eligibility conditions to access the governmental loan and related to the study fees. This guarantee applies for the entire period of the studies, even they will be ended after the exit of the UK from the EU. (https://study-uk.britishcouncil.org/planning/eu-students [4]) More than 135,000 students from the European Union are enrolled in British universities, representing more than 5% of the total number of students. 8,000 of them are students coming from Romania.   Photo: Octav Ganea    

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