Cyber security is becoming ever more pressing and essential for the whole society and it is imperative to create a robust and efficient cyber security ecosystem, said Adrian-Victor Vevera, general director of ICI Bucharest."This involves investments in training and education, promoting collaboration between the actors involved and stimulating innovation and research in the field of cyber security," Vevera argued.He participated in the "Ideas that change Romania" conference, an event organized on Tuesday and Wednesday by the Commission for European Affairs of the Chamber of Deputies in partnership with the Ministry of Investments and European Projects, the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, the National Council of Small and Medium Private Enterprises from Romania and the National Cyber Security Directorate.Adrian-Victor Vevera was one of the speakers who addressed the topic "Development of the cyber security ecosystem", with the aim of identifying the strategic directions for the consolidation of this essential sector in the current context of digital transformations.The conference aimed to become a permanent platform for frequent meetings and applied discussions, aimed at contributing to the sustainable and innovative development of Romania.