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One third of Romanians would like to buy a home

September 16, 2021

A third of participants in a survey conducted by Reveal Marketing Research say they would like to buy a home, and most of them are looking to buy a house, informs a press release sent on Tuesday .After a period in which most young people spent more than 90% of their time at home, and the concept of Work From Home became a desideratum, Reveal Marketing Research conducted a study on the intention to purchase a home (house or apartment) among young people aged between 25 and 34: are they planning on buying their own home?Romania is the country with the most homeowners of all European Union countries. According to Eurostat, over 95% of Romanians own their own home.According to the new national survey conducted by Reveal Marketing Research, 34% of respondents say they want to buy a home. The percentage of respondents who want to buy a house (33%) is double that of those who say they want an apartment (15%), especially among people up to 45 yconomy advances 6.5pct in H1 2021ears old.Young people aged between 18 and 34 say they plan to buy their own home this year, although 6 out of 10 believe Romania's real estate market will grow in 2021.The Reveal Marketing Research study also shows that 30% of young people between the ages of 18 and 34 say they intend to buy a house, while 16% say they would choose to buy an apartment.For respondents over 45 years maintenance costs (86%) and community/neighbors (72%) are more important while among the important details that young people take into account when they want to become homeowners are the quality of the masonry materials used (86%), the age of the building (84%) and the distance from work (72%).If we analyze the category of people who have built or are in the process of building a house, 5 out of 10 declare that the masonry material from which they built/are building the house is aerated concrete (AAC). This happens mainly among those aged between 18 and 24 (60%), but also among the 45-54 age group (57%). 4 out of 10 respondents choose AAC because it is modern/innovative and because it is a known, popular material (31%).30% of respondents choose brick because it is a safe material, and wood is chosen by 8% of respondents, the latter being perceived as a healthy and traditional material on the market (23%).Reveal Marketing Research is a full-service market research company, specialized in marketing research, sociological studies, customer insight, business strategy, market development.The collection method for the project is CAWI (computer assisted web interview) - the collection period April 15 - April 26, 2021, on a nationally representative sample (urban and rural), 820 interviews (440 interviews with people who have built a house in the last two years or are in the process of building a house).The error margin is +/- 3%. The confidence level is 95%.   

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