Romania's National Employment Agency (ANOFM) has 22,257 job openings nationwide, most of them for salespersons.Of the 22,257 vacancies advertised by employers, 1,664 are for people with a higher education background, 6,063 for people with a high school or post-high school education background, 5,939 for people with a vocational education background, while the remaining 8,591 openings are for people without formal education or with a primary /secondary education.The ANOFM database is updated in real time to include all the jobs advertised by the employers, the validity of the offers, as well as the number of distributions issued for employment.On the other hand, employers in the European Economic Area offer, via the EURES Romania network, 407 jobs, most of them in Germany, a country seeking to hire construction workers, construction foreman, kindergarten teachers, meat cutter and production worker, industrial painter, carbon/stainless steel welder; aluminium welder.There are 69 jobs available in Spain for: IT engineers, international transport drivers, scientific researchers; 43 jobs in Finland for: cleaning staff, wood industry warehouse operators, conveyor belt operators in the wood industry, assemblers in the wood industry; protective mask making machine operator, and meat processing operator, and ten in Ireland - ten jobs for carpenters.The Netherlands also offers four jobs for apple pickers and flower pickers; France two: pharmacists, and Norway one job: bricklayer/ tiler.