London-based painter Bogdan Mihai Radu is the only Romanian artist selected for the prestigious annual competition of the Royal Academy of Arts in the UK, and he will exhibit his painting "After the rain" at the Royal Academy of Arts' Summer Exhibition. The artist hopes to return home to show his artwork as often as possible."This is my sixth year when I register for the competition and the first that I enter. It is the most important exhibition in the world and the oldest exhibition in the world, dating back to 1769," painter Bogdan Mihai Radu said.The competition is fierce, he confesses. Every year, more than 15,000 participants enter the competition - around 30,000 works. A larger number of shortlisted entries are announced initially and then finalists are announced, which will end up on display and in the halls of Burlington House. This year's exhibition is open to the public from 18 June to 18 August, preceded by a traditional church service on 10 June to which all finalists are invited," says the artist.The Romanian painter entered two works, one of which was selected - "After the rain," an oil painting on canvas measuring 50 x 45 cm."About my work 'After the rain', what can I say... I really like dramatic landscapes, I am very inspired by nature first of all and I like dramatic, deserted places. For example, if it's raining outside, I don't prefer to stay indoors, I prefer to go to the park or go to the seaside, if it's raining, where there's nobody, I'm alone, it's foggy, stormy, everything inspires me. And I like it because I capture nature in a different way, I see this climate change," he says.Originally from Sibiu, Bogdan Mihai Radu will be present in September at the Sibiu International Contemporary Art Festival (SCAF) organised by the Brukenthal National Museum.The manager of the Sibiu museum, Alexandru Chituta, said that next year he intends to organise a personal exhibition of Bogdan Mihai Radu in Sibiu. The artist had works exhibited in 2023 both at SCAF and at the Sibiu International Theatre Festival.The Romanian Cultural Institute in London welcomed the performance of the Romanian artist and his presence at the largest exhibition of contemporary art in the world, which will be open to the public as of 18 June.