Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu on Thursday welcomed a delegation of the Renault automotive group led by Denis Le Vot at the Government House to discuss Renault's plans to expand its investment in Romania."Adjusting to the green technologies of the future, concern for the launch of new models are solid arguments for the development of the automotive industry, with a significant contribution to the Romanian economy. Dacia is a national brand with a history, and also with a future. We support the Romanian economy! I assured the French investors that they will receive the government's support to consolidate their projects here in Romania," Ciolacu wrote in a social media post.He added that during the meeting Labour Minister Simona Bucura Oprescu mentioned establishing a Dacia Museum."We have all welcomed the idea of my colleague, Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity Simona Bucura Oprescu and Arges lawmake, to have a Dacia Museum at Mioveni that would reflect the strong attachment of Romanians to this national brand," said Ciolacu.