Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu announced that next month he alongside several ministers will attend a joint meeting in Ukraine with his counterpart, Denys Shmyhal and members of the Government in Kyiv, where several topics of joint collaboration will be discussed, in areas such as agriculture, transport and energy."Next month I will have a joint 'G to G' meeting with Ukraine. I will go to Kyiv accompanied by several ministers, the minister of internal affairs, the agriculture minister, the transport minister, the energy minister, in order to get the collaboration as close as possible," Ciolacu told private broadcaster Digi 24."I am firmly convinced that Ukraine too, we have it on the agenda, will announce the renunciation of the Moldovan language. (...) I had discussions with Mr Prime Minister, but the most important thing is that through a dialogue with the Ukrainian Prime Minister, and I thank him for this, as he thanked me, we found the best solutions so as not to affect farmers in Romania, but also so that Ukraine can continue the transit of grain through Romania," the prime minister said.According to him, Romania helps Ukraine on "all levels" and Ukraine must be supported "until they win the war". "One of the most important hubs for Ukraine's reconstruction after the end of the war will be Romania," given the vicinity, he added."Romania must be, this time, logistically prepared for this hub. I have a project, and I have also spoken to the President of the [European] Commission, together with the Bulgarian prime minister, to take money from the European Commission for 'Mobility' and to build a new road and rail bridge over the Danube in Giurgiu. (...) We must realize that the Port of Constanta is, at this moment, strategic. (...) We do not know what will happen with Odessa, but there is a port in the Republic of Moldova, Giurgiulesti, which is not yet operational and, already, through the transport minister, Romania has expressed its interest with the EBRD, because the majority shareholder in Giurgiulesti is the EBRD, to buy this port and develop it. We are waiting for the answer," Ciolacu said.