The chairman of the National Liberal Party (PNL), Nicolae Ciuca, announced on Monday that the Political Bureau of the party voted for the government's responsibility for the measures to reduce expenses and fiscal measures."The subject that is of major interest to everyone is that of the engagement of government responsibility for the measures to reduce expenses and fiscal measures. We had discussions at the level of the PNL leaders and I presented as clearly as possible what are the fundamental elements that the PNL has supported and continues to support to take on this responsibility. The fundamental elements are three in number, namely: reducing budget expenditures, reducing fiscal evasion and fiscal measures," said Ciuca, after the meeting of the National Political Bureau of the PNL.He reiterated that PNL continues to support the maintenance of the flat tax rate, will continue to support private entrepreneurs, the economic environment by maintaining the dividend tax rate at 8%.Ciuca specified that the PNL supports maintaining the current VAT rate and affirms that at the level of the entire governmental structure, measures should be identified by which large companies pay tax on the profit they make in Romania."We support that at the level of liberal professions and Authorised Natural Person (PFA), a ceiling should be imposed for Social Health Insurance Contributions (CASS)," the PNL leader added.He specified that, beyond these measures, another package is needed to support investment and economic growth measures."There are three lines that we can approach, it is about fiscal facilities, for utilities and personalized state aid for investments that exceed the amount of 50 million euros," Ciuca pointed out.