President Klaus Iohannis promulgated, on Friday, the law which includes the implementation of the visa for the digital nomads in Romania, namely it introduces a new purpose for getting a work permit in our country. According to the law which came into power, a digital nomad is the alien who is hired with a work contract to a company registered outside Romania and who offers services by the use of information technology and communications or who owns a company registered outside Romania, where he offers services through the use of information technology and communications and can provide the activity of employee or the activity in the company remote, by the use of information technology and communications. The long stay visa is granted, on request, to the digital nomads who want to travel and stay on the Romanian territory, while they continue to get income by working according to the work contract to a company registered outside Romania or through activities developed in a company registered by them outside Romania, by the use of information technology and communications, if they cover several conditions at the same time. Digital nomads, coming to Romania on the basis of a long stay visa, for other purposes, may request the prolongation of the temporary right of stay if they cover several conditions at the same time.