President Klaus Iohannis promulgated on Wednesday, the law which approves the emergency ordnance (OUG) for the approval of the national programe for investments in infrastructure for hospital units, worth over 13.2 billion lei. According to the OUG, the value of the programme for the period 2024 - 2031 is 13,250,000 lei and during its implementation, the government may approve through decision the redistribution of the sum. The financing of the programme is insured from the state budget, through the budget of the ministry for investments and European projects, from a distinct position of transfers, the local budgets, other sources legally obtained. In order to support the financing of the programme loans can be contracted from international financing institutions or from other financers. The beneficiaries of the projects financed from local budgets may use as auxiliary financing sources funds from their own budgets or from other sources legally organised, if it is the case. For the efficient use of the allocated funds through the programme of the ministry of investments and European projects may disengage the funds which were not used after attribution and/or finalisation of the public procurement contracts for the contracts for financing which are being implmented or finalised, during the period of a budgetary exercise, with a view to contracting new projects with the limits of credits for commitment already allocated. "Taking into consideration the obligations of the state to guarantee and ensure the legislative frame for the exertion of the fundamental rights of the citizens, established through the Constitution of Romania, republished, obligations which are achieved through its administrative structures and through instruments made with a view to supporting the authorities of the public administration in the development of the infrastructure for health, taking into consideration that through National Strategy for health for the period 2023 - 2030, approved through the Decision of the Government the improvement of the quality of health services through investments in new real estate, the modernisation or the extension of the existing real estate, endowments with medical equipment and other functional endowments in at least 100 public health units is clearly necessary for the support of the implementation of the investment objectives which allow the ensurance of essential medical services for the increase of life quality in all towns, municipalities and counties in Romania”, the introduction to the OUG says. The executive means the necessity to take 'urgent' measures which could ensure a better distribution of health infrastructure, the increase of the access of the population to quality medical services, the increase of efficiency of the medical services, a better adaptation of the infrastructure to the new technological requirements and insurance ofsome functional and efficient circuits. " The non-implementation of the present programme would lead to non-insurance of the quality standards of life necessary to the population in the domain of health, so much more as Romania committed to ensure the citizens' medical services at European standards, taking into consideration the fact that the hospital sector in Romania is facing multiple issues starting from multiple issues, starting from complicated and disfunctional organisation, architecture which does not adapt to the present requirements, high costs, reduced efficiency, lack of professional management, inexistence of mechanisms for quality check-up, shortage and unequal distribution of human resources”, the government says. As a result, the urgent legislative intervention is imposed for the creation of legislative framework which could allow financing of the investments in the infrastructure of hospital units, so that access of the whole population to essential medical services, the increase of the quality of life and meeting the standards in the European countries, says the government.