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Romania ranks 3rd in the world in the top of the best countries for remote work and travel

February 10, 2022

  As more people embrace flexible working environments and set their sights on their next ‘workation’ (AKA, a vacation that blends leisure and remote working), travel search engine momondo.ro reveals the best countries in the world to work remotely from, with Romania being on the third spot in the ranking.   momondo’s first Travel and Work Index is the ultimate source for those looking to set up a new office away from home temporarily or for a longer period of time. To develop the index, momondo closely analysed 111 countries and ranked each against 22 factors across six categories: travel costs and accessibility; local prices; health & safety; remote working capabilities; social life; and weather. Ultimately, revealing the best countries that are easiest to work from while having a lot of fun in your off hours.   Without further ado, the top 10 best countries for combining productive working conditions and opportunities for travel adventures according to momondo are: Portugal Spain Romania Mauritius Japan Malta Costa Rica Panama Czech Republic Germany Romania came third worldwide for working remotely from, primarily thanks to very attractive prices and having one of the lowest cost of living not only in Europe but globally. Romania also has cheap car hire and hotel prices, plus affordable long-term apartment rentals which creates great opportunities for travel.   Digital nomads will definitely appreciate fast internet speed and many locals who speak English. Another significant factor that speaks in favor of choosing this country for workation is the visa for freelancers that authorities are looking to introduce in the upcoming months.   Portugal was ranked the all-round best country to work remotely from worldwide, scoring high across the board in all categories, including great weather, high abundance of places for going out, low-crime rates, and relatively low cost of living. Portugal also offers a digital nomad visa, and many locals have a high English proficiency that attracts expats.   Spain came in second place, largely due to its high quantity of restaurants and cafes per capita, paired with fast internet speed, plenty of co-working spaces and remote visas for freelancers. It also has a buzzing nightlife and is very LGBTQ+ friendly.   Romanians can find the best ‘workation’ for their team’s time zone thanks to momondo’s new feature   In addition to the Travel and Work Index, momondo features a new time zone map to help users quickly and easily find out the time differences for their trip – ideal for those looking to swerve 2am conference calls whilst working abroad.   The time zone-focused rankings takes key factors and categories from the Travel and Work Index into account but displays them according to your work country of origin – so the countries that have time zones closest to your own work time zone will be featured higher up on the list of country destinations.   The map also provides information on the latest travel restrictions and local vaccination rates per country.   Before planning your journey, be sure to check the latest travel restrictions in your destination. momondo’s travel restrictions map provides real time updates on COVID-19 restrictions and entry requirements of individual countries around the world.   All sources have been accessed and data retrieved between 1 September – 20 October 2021. The numbers collected are based on the latest available data.   To view the Work and Travel Index and full breakdown of rankings, visit https://www.momondo.ro/travel-work/rank.

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