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Romanians are increasingly interested in working occasionally in the households of other Romanians to supplement their income or as craftsmen in the country or abroad. Their number increased by 57%

November 16, 2023

Romanians are increasingly interested in working as tradesmen, getting involved in household activities for other Romanians on weekends or a few hours a week, and working in unskilled jobs. Thus, the number of Romanians willing to work as occasional tradesmen increased by almost 60% in 2023 compared to last year. In addition, over 40% of them are people with a permanent job and retirees, who want to supplement their income against the background of price increases and for fear of more difficult times, shows an analysis by DeLucru.ro, the main platform that puts in contact Romanians who need craftsmen and people looking for work in household activities or looking for jobs with and without qualification in Romania or abroad.


The number of applications to ads from Romanians looking for work increased by 60% in 2023 compared to last year. Those most interested in working as craftsmen are Romanians from the urban environment, but the number of young people interested in working in the rural environment is increasing. Thus, the Romanians most interested in unskilled jobs are from the counties of Vâlcea, Olt, Argeș, Bacău and Suceava.


Regarding the field of work, Romanians are interested in working in construction activities, cleaning, product packaging, cargo handling and production activities in factories.


More than 70% of users publish their job search ad


At the same time, an important part of Romanians, over 70% of them, are actively looking for work, publishing ads on the DeLucru.ro platform, where they come into direct contact with people who need labor. This year, more than 30,000 Romanians published ads to look for work, an increase of 38% compared to last year.


Job offers from rural people, who are looking for day laborers for various activities (digging in the garden, chopping wood or other household chores) are also increasing. This trend is also given by the depopulation of the villages, as the able-bodied people have migrated to the cities or even abroad.


"For many Romanians, the current period is quite difficult from a financial point of view, taking into account the recent price increases, and therefore we see a growing interest on the part of Romanians to work extra, 2-3 hours after work or on weekends, just to increase their income. Although most jobseekers are already full-time employees and retirees who want an extra income, we are seeing more and more unskilled and inexperienced young people looking to work as day laborers, gain on-the-job training or find work placements. permanent work. One of the reasons is the financial constraint, but also the fact that many young people feel disoriented, they don't know how and where to start, many don't know how to make a CV, and then on the DeLucru.ro platform they just create an account, mention what they are I know what type of work I can do and in which areas of the country I can work. You can still apply to the ads or create your own job ad. In addition, the platform has also developed an application, which allows users to be notified in real time, every time a job offer of interest to them is published", explains Gili Boruz, founder of the DeLucru.ro platform.


Young people looking for work are between 16 and 25 years old, over 60% are men, and they apply most often to ads where a handyman is urgently wanted for small household problems, driver job ads and those for unskilled jobs in production. Young women usually want to perform cleaning work in Romanian houses and are interested in sales jobs in stores and in cosmetics. The ones most interested in working in the households of other Romanians occasionally are the Romanian women from the countryside.


Women, most interested in increasing income. Retirees, still eager for work


In parallel, people between 25 and 55 years old, with stable jobs, are looking for work to increase their income. Thus, the majority of those who apply to the ads or create their job search ad on the DeLucru.ro platform are either interested in a second part-time job or to work in their spare time, during the week or on the weekend. In this category, women are mostly interested in supplementing their income, especially in Bucharest and Ilfov and Iași counties, but also in other counties in the country.


Diaspora Romanians returning to Romania are also actively looking for work, especially skilled jobs, representing 23% of the total number of applicants in 2023. Most of them apply for job offers after returning to the country, being disoriented and not knowing where to start, even if they have accumulated experience abroad, putting into practice what they have learned in other countries and ensuring their livelihood in Romania.








At the same time, the number of pensioners looking for work increased by 30%, the most interested in activities for additional income being in less developed counties and are generally people between 63 and 70 years old, from the urban environment.


How Romanians look for work


Romanians are actively looking for work, most of them choosing to publish their job search ad at the same time as applying to the ads of people looking for tradesmen. Thus, the number of those who publish a job search ad is increasing, by almost 40% compared to last year.


In terms of the device they apply from, most prefer desktop applications, especially by retirees. Young people, for the most part, look for work using the DeLucru.ro mobile application, where they receive real-time notifications for casual job offers or full-time jobs in the locality, county or nearby areas of interest to them.


Most apply to job offers within 3 hours of receiving the in-app notification for the area or areas they are interested in. Also, more than 90% of users of the DeLucru.ro platform publishes a job search ad or apply to at least one job ad within 10 minutes at most after creating the account, which takes a few minutes, given that no it is necessary to complete a CV, but only to mention the job and choose the area for which they are available to work.

The text of this article has been partially taken from the publication:
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