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ROMATOM, Organisation of Canadian Nuclear Industries extends memorandum on nuclear power co-operation

November 1, 2018

The Organisation of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) and the Romanian Atomic Forum (ROMATOM) have renewed their memorandum of understanding on nuclear power co-operation. According to a ROMATOM press statement released on Wednesday, the memorandum describes several ways in which OCNI and ROMATOM will continue to collaborate to identify opportunities for nuclear suppliers in Romania and Canada. The OCNI-ROMATOM memorandum will also encourage and facilitate co-operation between research institutes and universities in Canada and Romania on nuclear research, development and education. “Romania and Canada are long-term partners in nuclear power, starting with the development of Units 1 and 2 at the Cernavoda nuclear-power plant, which have ranked among the best performing nuclear facilities in the world in terms of capacity factor since their commissioning. Romania’s energy program provides for the further development of the nuclear programme by extending the Unit 1 service life and building units 3 and 4 as part of the solution to ensure Romania’s security of supply and the achievement of environmental targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80pct by 2050, “according to Gheorghe Lucaciu, executive director of ROMATOM. The memorandum was signed on Tuesday at a joint meeting of representatives of the Romanian and Canadian nuclear industries in Bucharest, jointly organised by ROMATOM and the Embassy of Canada. The Canada-Romania commercial team led by the OCNI brought together representatives of 15 major nuclear providers engaged in meetings with Romanian producers, as well as officials from the Romanian Ministry of Energy. The Canadian delegation also paid a working visit to the Cernavoda nuclear power plant. OCNI is an association that includes over 200 leading Canadian suppliers for the nuclear industries in Canada and foreign markets. The Atomic Romanian Forum has over 35 active member companies operating in areas such as equipment manufacturing, construction, technical design and other nuclear services that support the nuclear industry in Romania. ROMATOM is a member of the European Atomic Forum (FORATOM) and active in the European and national debate on energy strategy and sustainable policies.

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