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Share of innovating companies dropped by 1.9% over 2020-2022

August 29, 2024

The share of innovating companies in total of 26,986 companies dropped by 1.9% over 2020-2022, compared to 2018-2020, according to the National Statistics Institute (INS).   2,380 companies carried out innovating activities over the mentioned period of time. According to INS data, released on Monday, over 2020-2022 there were about three times more innovating companies with new products for the company, compared to companies innovating onlu new products for the market. The share of the business figure of companies innovating only products was 1% higher than the chare of the business figure of companies innovating only business processes. About a quarter of the total number of employees carried out their activities in an innovating company.   The results of statistic research about innovation in business companies , over 2020-2022 pointed out that of the total of 26,986 companies, 2,380 carried out innovating activities, of which 2,297 had successful innovators, implementing atleastan innovation of product or/and business process.   One of the main indicators, characterizing the innovating activity is the ration between innovating companies and the total number of companies in the statistic population. For 2020-2022, the calculation of that index shows that the share of innovating companies was 8.8%, while that of non-innovating ones was 91.2%. 4.1% of all companies intrduced or implemented only new or significantly improved products, while 1.3% of them implemented only processes of new business or significantly improved ones.   The share of companies which had both product innovations and business process innovations was 3.1%. If we classify innovating companies, after each kind of innovation 7.2% of total companies were with at least one product innovation and 4.4% companies with at least one business innovation. Od all companies. 1% were with innovation activities not completed or abandoned.   Companies in the field of services were more innovating, considering a share of 9.3% of all service companies, while those in the industry sector represented 8.3% of all companies in industry.   In economic activities f the industry sector , the processing industry holds a share of 95.3% of innovating companies, among all companies of that sector, the rest of activities having lower shares: water distribution, sanitation, waste management, decontamination activities 3.6%, supply of electric and thermal energy, gas, warm water and air conditioning and extractive industry 0.2%.   In the service sector, the biggest share of innovating companies was held by wholesale trade – 35.8%, followed by the information and communications sector – 23.2%, professional, scientific and technical activities- 19.3%, transport and storage -13.1% and financial brokerage and insurance -8.6%.   For the 2020-2022 period, the most innovating economic activities, according to the share in total companies were those in the fields of: research-development 53.7%, insurance activities, pension funds 38.9% and manufacturing basic pharmaceutical products 35%.   According to the number of employees, the most innovating are large companies 20.6%, medium companies 11.3% and small companies 7.6%. The order is maintained for industry and services.   Over 2020-2022, of all product innovating companies, 66% developed innovations in their own companies, 23.9% of companies introduced products together with other companies, 22.2% made them by adapting or modifying goods or services developed initially by other companies and 12.5% were made in other companies.   74.3% companies innovating business processes developed business innovations in their own company, 25.8% developed innovations with other companies, 15.8% implemented innovations by adapting or amending processes developed initially in other companies, while 4.9% had innovations of businesses developed by other companies.   In 2022, the business figure of innovating companies was 370.69 billion lei, representing 24.7% of the total business figure of companies. The share of the business figure of innovating companies in the total business figure of companies was 4.9% for product innovations and 3.8% for business process innovations.   The business figure of innovating companies (both for products and business processes) represented 12.7% of the overall business figure. In the total business figure of companies that introduced at least a new or improved product 16.4% represents the business figure of companies with new products, while 5.2% represents the business figure of companies with new products in the market. The rest of 7.8% represents the business figure of companies that did not make changes on products. 19.3% employees carried out their activity in an innovating company and 5.4% of them worked in product innovating companies whule 3.3% activated in business process innovating companies and 9% in companies innvating both products and business processes.   In 2022, the total value of expenses in innovating companies was 4.535 billion lei. Of all expenses for innovating activity of companies 78.8% were allocated to the domestic research-development activity, 12.8% represented the other expenses with innovation and 8.3% of expenses were allocated for externalized research-development .   Over 2020-2022, 19.6% of innovating companies used at least one type of public financing for innovating activities: 10.9% from the government, 5.6% from local or regional authorities and 7.3% from EU.   Over 2020-2022, 37.1% of all innovating companies had cooperation accords in innovations. The share of large companies that had cooperations with other companies was 48.1% of their total.   The main cooperation partners of innovating companies were suppliers of equipment, materials, parts and software (12.2% of innovating companies) and customers or buyers in the private sector (10.5% of all innovating companies). The same classification maintains at activity sector level. The service sector recorded more cooperations than the industrial sector (43.4% compared to 29.2% of all innovating companies).   Large companies had more coperations than small and medium companies (48.2% against 33.8% and 41.8% of all innovating companies.)   Over 2020-2022, the highest share of innovating companies in all companies in the area, were recorded in Bucharest-Ilfov area (16.4%) and Center area (9.8%), while the lowest shares were in the South-Western Oltenia (2.7%) and in the Western area (4.5%).    

The text of this article has been partially taken from the publication:
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