Romania will need, at the level of the years 2027-2028, 4-5 billion cubic meters of gas in addition to the production from the Black Sea, gas that will come from imports and from the LNG terminals in the Black Sea, declared, on Monday, the general director of Transgaz, Ion Sterian. “I tell you, somewhere in 4-5 years, in line with the decline in domestic production, both at OMV Petrom and at Romgaz, which is a natural decline – today Romania’s production is somewhere around 9 billion cubic meters of gas – neither the gases from the Black Sea, about 8 billion cubic meters, will not satisfy Romania’s needs”, said Sterian at the “Romanian Energy Symposium – SIREN 2023”, organized by the Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council (CNR-CME). He explained that, currently, gas consumption is 10-11 billion cubic meters, and through the new gas connections of some localities, another 3-4 billion cubic meters will be added. Also, with the gas consumption of the Mintia plant, of 2.5 billion cubic meters, with the Iernut plant, when the works will be completed, with a consumption of about 1 billion cubic meters, and another 1, 5 billion cubic meters in Isalnita and Turceni, we will approach 20 billion cubic meters of consumption. The general director of Transgaz also emphasized that in this estimate, the fact that Azomures or Alro Slatina could resume their activity at any time, but also other investments “which are big consumers of gas” must be taken into account.