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Study: Only 34% of Romanians still believe that traditional education prepares children for life

September 15, 2024

  In anticipation of the new school year, the latest study conducted by Reveal Marketing Research aimed to gather more insights into both Romanians’ perceptions of the education system and the concerning phenomenon of youth unemployment among recent graduates.   Only 34% of Romanians believe that traditional education prepares children to a large or very large extent for life. 28% of parents with children under 18 have transferred their children to other educational institutions, with a higher percentage during grades V-VIII (34%). 71% of Romanians who have children or acquaintances who recently graduated from high school or university say that they encountered difficulties in finding a job.   56% of parents with children under 18 are willing to pay to provide their children with the opportunity to study in fields they are passionate about   According to the latest study conducted by Reveal Marketing Research, only 34% of Romanians believe that traditional education prepares children to a large or very large extent for life. Notably, this perception is stronger in rural areas, where 39% of respondents consider traditional education adequate, compared to just 32% in urban areas.   Additionally, 56% of parents with children under 18 state that they would be willing to pay to provide their children with the opportunity to study in fields they are passionate about. Analyzing the demographic data, it is observed that parents of adolescents aged 11-14 (63%) and those with incomes exceeding 8,000 RON (70%) are the most open to this approach.   The main reasons parents transfer their children to other educational institutions are related to the quality of education provided by the previous school (38%), moving residence (24%), and conflicts or issues with teachers (17%)   28% of parents with children under 18 have chosen to transfer their children to other educational institutions during an educational cycle, with a significantly higher percentage among parents aged 45 to 55 (34%). Among those parents who have not made such changes, 10% intend to switch their children’s school in the near future, while 19% remain undecided. These figures underscore the growing concerns about the quality and relevance of education among families in Romania.   Regarding critical moments when parents decide to intervene to ensure a more suitable educational path for their children, the most common stage is middle school (grades V-VIII) at 34%, followed by primary education (grades 0-IV) at 30%. Kindergarten accounts for 26%, and high school (grades IX-XII) for 19%. The main reasons parents transfer their children to other educational institutions include the quality of education provided by the previous school (38%), moving residence (24%), conflicts or issues with teachers (17%), the school’s reputation (16%), and bullying or problems among children (15%). These reasons vary depending on the children’s age: for those aged 7-10 years, issues with teachers are the primary deciding factor (32%), while for high school students aged 15-18 years, the quality of education at the previous school becomes the dominant reason (51%).   Among the most important criteria for choosing a new educational institution are the quality and experience of the teaching staff (53%), the school’s reputation (38%), safety and the school environment (35%), the institution’s academic results (26%), and proximity to the home (23%).   71% of Romanians who have children or acquaintances who recently graduated from high school or university say that they encountered difficulties in finding a job   According to the study, 71% of those with children or close acquaintances who have recently graduated from high school or university have encountered difficulties in finding a job.   In Romanians’ view, the main causes of youth unemployment are a lack of practical experience (59%), excessively high employer expectations (48%), a lack of opportunities in their area of residence (42%), excessively high salary expectations (42%), and choosing fields of study with limited prospects (28%).   Socio-demographic characteristics reveal that excessively high employer expectations are seen as a more significant issue among urban residents (51%) compared to those in rural areas (43%).”   To reduce the unemployment rate among recent graduates, the most effective measures should include improving collaboration between educational institutions and employers (56%), guiding young people towards fields of study with high market demand (53%), developing a greater number of internship and apprenticeship programs (44%), and offering more attractive salaries (43%). In the opinion of the majority, the government is seen as the primary responsible party for reducing unemployment among recent graduates (42%), followed by employers (18%), the graduates themselves (10%), and educational institutions (9%). Additionally, 17% of respondents believe that responsibility is shared among all these parties.” *** About Reveal Marketing Research Reveal Marketing Research is a full-service market research company specializing in marketing research, sociological studies, customer insight, business strategy, market development. With expertise in over 20 industries, Reveal Marketing Research believes that market research is the basis for good decisions and brand positioning. The qualitative and quantitative solutions have been helping companies in Romania and other European countries for 16 years. Reveal Market Resources, study no. 166: Reveal Market Resources is a data hub of free studies offered to audiences, with the aim of supporting the marketing and communication market in Romania. Methodology: The Reveal Marketing Research study was conducted online during 26 – 31.08.2024, on a representative sample of individuals aged 18 and above, internet users, from urban and rural areas. The sample size was 1009 respondents, with a maximum sampling error of +/-3.1% at a 95% confidence level.  

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