Over half of the Romanians consider that responsible for the increase of electricity and natural gas prices are the energy suppliers (59%) and the government (52%), shows a study made by Reveal Marketing Research.According to the quoted document, 41% of the interviewees mentioned the state as being guilty for the present situation, while 36% make the ANRE (The National Authority for Regulation in the Domain of Energy) responsible for it.Similarly, the Romanians showed that they are affected by the increase of the electricity and gas bill, and 91% said that they would pay it, anyway.Asked in the study with regard to the legality of the regulations in the domain of energy, almost a quarter (22%) said that they consider the electricity suppliers observed the legal regulations, and only 18% of the gas suppliers did, respectively. At the same time, the young (25 – 35 years old) higher education, consider that the electricity suppliers (14%) and gas suppliers (13%) observed the legal regulations.According to the study, most Romanians (88%) knew that the electricity market of Romania was deregulated on 1st January 2021 (88%) and only 8% said they didn’t know about the change and 4% refused to get an answer.Asked what kind of market they use, approximately half (49%) of the interviewees stated they are on the competition market, as compared to 34% who considered that they are on the regulated market. In exchange, 17% admitted they did not know what market they are on.As compared to the results obtained last year, there is significant growth of those who are on the competition market (+23%) and a drop in the proportion of those on the regulated market (-9%).For the same sector of regulation, the specialty research shows that, in a significantly higher measure, the interviewees aged between 35 and 55, 31% of the electricity suppliers and 24% of the natural gas suppliers observed the rules.At general level, six out of ten Romanians (59%) state that responsible for the increase in prices for electricity and natural gas are the energy suppliers, and over half (52%) mentioned the government.The study Reveal Marketing Research took pace online between 21st and 25th January 2022, on a sample of 1,007 people aged over 18, in urban and rural environment. The maximum error is +/-3.1% for a level of trust of 95%.Reveal Marketing Research is a market research company full-service, specialized in marketing research, sociological studies, customer insight, business strategy, market development, with expertise in over 20 industries.