The Summit of the Leaders of the World Congress of Ukrainians will take place as of Friday at the Palace of Parliament, organised by the Union of Ukrainians in Romania (UUR), in partnership with the World Congress of Ukrainians.The event runs until 15 April."Exceptionally, this year, the event, one of reference for the Ukrainian diaspora, is organised in Romania. The Summit of the Leaders of the World Congress of Ukrainians aims to establish the major directions and priorities of the World Congress of Ukrainians for the coming years. Discussions will focus on developing a platform for debating ideas and proposals on the issue of Ukrainians abroad in the context of the new unprecedented challenges for the Ukrainian people, as well as continuing support for Ukraine - humanitarian, political, military, financial, educational, which is extremely necessary in the context of the war on a wide scale, triggered by Vladimir Putin, on 24 February 2022," say the organisers, in a press release sent by the president of the Union of Ukrainians in Romania, Nicolae Petretchi.The event is expected to be attended by officials, diplomats from Romania and Ukraine, representatives of Ukrainian organisations from over 70 countries, academic and political figures, members of the Ukrainian community in Romania, as well as high church leaders.