Prices for fixed and mobile phone calls in Romania will drop, as of January 1, 2022, as a result of the EC Delegate Regulation 2021/654, ANCOM informs. Mobile phone operators active in the Romanian market will apply a price of 0.55 euro cents/minute for mobile calls in their own networks, while fixed telephone operators will have prices of 0.07 euro cents/ minute for fixed calls in their own networks. “Prices for mobile phone calls will drop by 22% compared to the present one and will be applied by all mobile phone operators,” ANCOM points out. According to the source, the EC Regulation also establishes prices for the following years, also to be applied in Romania. They will be 0.4 euro cents/minute over January 1 – December 31, 2023 and 0.2 euro cents/minute since January 1, 2024. On the other hand, prices of fixed calls will be about 10% lower than the present one and will be applied by all fixed phone operators, ANCOM mentioned. ANCOM is the institution promoting interests of service users by promoting competition and innovation in the electronic communication markets and postal services, the pro- competitive administration of limited resources (radio spectrum, numbering resources and associate technical resources), encouraging efficient investments in networks and infrastructure and promoting ultra rapid connections.