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October 25, 2021

- The average gross monthly earnings registered at the national economy level in 2020 were 5213 lei, by 7.4% higher than the previous year, and the average net monthly earnings were 3217 lei, increasing by 7.7% (+231 lei) compared to the previous year. ? - Monthly, employers spent on average 5409 lei/employee, by 6.2% higher compared to the previous year. ? - The average number of employees in 2020 was 5031.8 thousand persons, decreasing with 132.7 thousand persons compared to the previous year. ? - The number of employees at December 31st 2020 was 5411.1 thousand persons, lower with 70.0 thousand persons compared to the end of the previous year   The average monthly earnings   The highest average net monthly earnings achieved in 2020, above the mean value by total economy, were registered in the following economic activities: information and communication (+92.4%), financial and insurance activities (+65.2%), public administration (+62.0%), electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (+50.2%), mining and quarrying (+41.5%), professional, scientific and technical activities (+28.8%), human health and social work activities (+24.4%), respectively education (+11.1%).   The lowest values of the average net monthly earnings compared to the mean value by total economy were in the following economic activities: accommodation and food service activities (-45.2%), other service activities (-37.1%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (-25.0%), administrative and support service activities (-23.6%), real estate activities (-21.5%), wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (-18.9%), water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (-17.7%), arts, entertainment and recreation (-15.4%), manufacturing (-14.3%), transportation and storage (-9.6%), respectively construction (-4.7%). For year 2020, the real earnings index (expressed as ratio of the net nominal earnings index and the consumer price index of the population) was 225.0% as compared to 1990, higher by 10.7 percentage points as compared to the previous year, respectively by 94.7 percentage points as compared to 2008. Female employees earned on average, in gross terms, with 1.2% less than male employees, achieving average gross monthly earnings of 5179 lei (as compared to 5244 lei for male employees). In net terms, female employees earned with 4.2%, respectively with 139 lei/month less than male employees (3144 lei the average net monthly earnings of female employees as compared to 3283 lei of male employees).   Male employee had higher average net monthly earnings as compared with the ones of female employees in almost all economic activities, the most significant differences (over 17.0%) being registered in financial and insurance activities (37.9%), information and communication (25.9%), other service activities (25.6%), manufacturing (25.2%) and wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (17.2%). In territorial profile, by counties, the average net monthly earnings in 2020 were below the average by total economy in 37 of the counties. The lowest levels of the average net monthly earnings were registered in Harghita (2483 lei, by 22.8% less than the average on total economy), Bistri?a-N?s?ud (2538 lei, by 21.1% less than the average on total economy), Teleorman (2539 lei, by 21.1% less than the average on total economy), Vrancea (2561 lei, by 20.4% less than the average on total economy), respectively Covasna (2579 lei, by 19.8% less than the average on total economy). At the opposite side, with the highest levels of the average net monthly earnings were Bucharest Municipality (4408 lei, by 37.0% over the average on total economy), respectively the counties of Cluj (3744 lei, by 16.4% over the average on total economy), Timi? (3536 lei, by 9.9% over the average on total economy), Ilfov (3348 lei, by 4.1% over the average on total economy) and Ia?i (3327 lei, by 3.4% over the average on total economy). The average labour cost The average monthly labour cost amounted to 5409 lei/employee in 2020, by 6.2% higher compared to the previous year. The average monthly labour cost increased in the majority of economic activities compared to the previous year, and the most important increases were in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (+10.2%), information and communication (+9.9%), water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities (+8.5%), wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (+8.3%), human health and social work activities (+8.0%), respectively administrative and support service activities (+7.1%).   The decreases of the average monthly labour cost compared to the previous year were mainly determined by the transfers granted from the state budget to the employer, in order to support the economic and social units in the context of the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and of the state emergency/alert, respectively by the transfers from the state budget to the employer for the stimulation of employment by (re)employing certain categories of people (for example: graduates, unemployed). The economic activities with decreases of the average monthly labour cost as compared to the previous year were accommodation and food service activities (-10.2%), arts, entertainment and recreation (-1.8%), respectively real estate activities (-1.4%). Unlike the previous years, in 2020, mainly due to the situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of emergency/alert, the share of transfers from the state budget in total labour cost (direct and indirect costs) was 1.3%, but with important variations by economic activities. Thus, the highest shares of transfers from the state budget in total labour cost were found in accommodation and food service activities (12.4%), followed by arts, entertainment and recreation (6.9%), other service activities (3.2%), manufacturing (2.5%), real estate activities (1.7%) and wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (1.5%). As compared to the average by total economy, the average monthly labour cost was significant higher in information and communication (+89.3%), financial and insurance activities (+72.5%), mining and quarrying (+63.3%), electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (+53.3%), human health and social work activities (+44.2%), public administration (+37.4%), respectively professional, scientific and technical activities (+26.5%). The most relevant values of the average monthly labour cost below the average by total economy were registered in accommodation and food service activities (-51.2%), other service activities (-37.6%), agriculture, forestry and fishing (-24.1%), administrative and support service activities (-22.3%), construction (-21.7%), respectively real estate activities (-20.4%).   The average number of employees   In 2020, the average number of employees was 5031.8 thousand persons, decreasing with 132.7 thousand persons compared to the previous year. This decrease was mainly determined by the economic situation created in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the establishment of the state emergency/alert throughout Romania. Thus, during 2020 a significant number of economic and social units have temporarily suspended or even ceased their economic activity. The average number of male employees predominated as in the previous years, representing 52.5% of total employees (respectively 2644.1 thousand persons). Compared to previous year, the average number of male employees decreased by 60.2 thousand persons, and that of female employees by 72.5 thousand persons.   The distribution of the average number of employees by gender, within each economic activity, in 2020   The distribution of the employees by economic sectors shows that most of them were in the tertiary sector (63.3%) (commercial services with 42.9% and social services with 20.4%). In the secondary sector (industry and construction) worked 34.3% of the employees and in the primary sector (agriculture, forestry and fishing) only 2.4%. The activities of construction and mining and quarrying were carried out mainly by male employees and represented 87.4%, respectively 84.8% of the total number of employees belonging to these economic activities. The activities with a higher degree of attractiveness for female employees were human health and social work activities (79.5% of the total number of employees of these activities), education (73.2%), financial and insurance activities (70.4%), respectively accommodation and food service activities (60.5%). As compared to the previous year, significant decreases of the average number of employees were registered in manufacturing (-76.8 thousand persons), accommodation and food service activities (-17.4 thousand persons), wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (-16.1 thousand persons), transportation and storage (-13.8 thousand persons), administrative and support service activities (-7.1 thousand persons), professional, scientific and technical activities (-4.7 thousand persons), arts, entertainment and recreation (-4.5 thousand persons), respectively in other service activities (-3.6 thousand persons). At the opposite side, with increases of the average number of employees were the economic activities of construction (+11.5 thousand persons), human health and social work activities (+8.8 thousand persons), respectively information and communication (+6.1 thousand persons). The number of employees at December 31st 2020 The number of employees at the end of 2020 was 5411.1 thousand persons. As compared to the end of the previous year, the number of employees registered a decrease of 70.0 thousand persons, as a result of the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the reduction or ceasing the activity of a significant number of economic and social units. In territorial profile, the number of employees decreased in all development regions, as compared to the end of the previous year, the most significant decreases being in the regions Centre (-13.3 thousand persons), Bucharest-Ilfov (-12.7 thousand persons), respectively West (-10.5 thousand persons). The smallest decrease of the number of employees compared to the end of the previous year was in South-West Oltenia region (-2.3 thousand persons).   The distribution of the number of employees at the end of 2020, by economic activity sectors, within each development region   In Bucharest-Ilfov region, 22.3% of employees in the total economy were concentrated, followed by the regions North-West (13.8%), respectively Centre (12.7%).   The development regions where the primary sector exceeds the average share of the country (2.4% per total economy) are South-Muntenia (4.0%), South-East (3.6%), North-East (3.1%), South-West Oltenia and West (2.8% each). The development regions that concentrate a proportion of employees in the industry and construction sector higher or equal to the national average (33.9%) are Centre (41.3%,), West (40.6%), North-West (38.5%), South-Muntenia (38.4%), South-West Oltenia (36.6%), respectively South-East (33.9%). The highest proportion of the employees in the commercial services was found in Bucharest-Ilfov region (61.9% as compared to 43.8% the country average) and in the social services sector, the highest proportion was registered in the North-East region (26.5% as compared to 19.9% the country average). At the end of 2020, the majority of employees was in the private companies (75.7%) and registered a decrease of 1.8% as compared to the previous year. The distribution of employees by legal status of the enterprises shows that the employees in the commercial companies represented 79.5% of the number of employees, decreasing by 1.7% as compared to the previous year.

The text of this article has been partially taken from the publication:
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