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 The debate about energy prices at the European Council of 21 – 22 October, mentioned at the CAG reunion

October 21, 2021

The state secretary for European Affairs, Iulia Matei, presented on Tuesday at the reunion of the Council for General Affairs (CAG) from the EU member states, the necessity to include, on the agenda of the reunion of the European Council on 21st – 22nd October, a debate on the evolution of the prices for energy with a view to identifying adequate solutions at European level.The agenda of the CAG reunion included the presentation of the priorities of the Slovene Presidency of the EU Council, an exchange of opinions with regard to the agenda of the reunion of the European Council on 21st – 22nd October this year, as well as a discussion referring to the continuation of the coordination, at EU level, in the context of Covid-19 pandemics. Similarly, the agenda of the reunion included: a debate regarding the legislative programme of the European Commission, in the context of the publication of the Annual Report of prognosis and letter of intention with regards to the priorities for 2022, as well as a presentation about the Conference regarding the future of Europe. As the same time, the European Commission informed the member states about the stage of the relations between the EU and the UK, says the MAE press release.In the context of the formal presentation of the programme of the Slovene Presidency of the Council, the state secretary Iulia Matei expressed Romania’s support for the priorities which this Presidency formulated for the ongoing semester with focus on the consolidation of the resiliency of the Union, both domestically and at foreign level, including the perspective of the lessons learnt during the crisis generated by the pandemics of Covid-19.‘When referring to the evolutions determined by the Covid-19 pandemics, the Romanian state secretary showed the necessity to continue to ensure better coordination at the EU level, capable to ensure a quick and efficient answer of the member states to the challenges which the pandemics continues to generate. During the discussions, there were other aspects dealt with, regarding the adaptation of the measures to the epidemiological context taking into consideration the vaccination rate at the EU level and the international dimension, in the context of the necessity to support the third states with reduced capacities for the improvement of access to vaccines’ the MAE press release says.As for the digital agenda, the state secretary Iulia Matei showed the necessity to establish a clear calendar, with more focused political approach, of the debate on this issue. In the context, she reiterated the support of progress in the pending legislative files, showing the importance for the consolidation of the resilience in the domain of cyber security.As for the foreign agenda of the Union, the state secretary Iulia Matei reiterated the importance of good preparation of the future Summit of the Eastern Partnership and the establishment of strategic vision, on a long term, post 2020 of the European Union in relation with the PaE states, as well as concrete objectives which should be achieved by them. The Romanian official showed that the future Declaration of the Summit should send a clear signal to the partner states, of solidarity, especially in the context of the present challenges, according to the quoted source.When referring to the Conference regarding the future of Europe, the state secretary Iulia Matei reiterated the importance of debates for the consolidation of the relation of the Union with the citizens, of solidarity and European Union, as well as the EU resilience to crises. Similarly, she focused on the importance of good preparation of the messages went and the coordination of the positions at the level of the Council in the perspective of the Plenary of the Conference and the thematic groups, so that the results of the Conference reflect the multitude of opinions expressed at the level of the member states and the citizens. She mentioned the importance of communication and adequate information of the citizens as regards the development of the debate on the future of Europe, as well as with regards to the opportunity of their more active involvement in debates.At the same time, the state secretary Iulia Matei showed that the efforts at national level aim at the insurance of the objective of a better involvement of the citizens, especially of the young people, in events consecrated to the reflection on the future of Europe, and in the context, she addressed thanks to the vice-chairman of the European Commission, Dubravka Suica, for her involvement in the dialogue with the young Romanians about the future directions of the European project, in a debate organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the margin of the Annual Reunion of Romanian Diplomacy (8th September this year).As for the stage of the relations between the EU and the UK, the state secretary Iulia Matei appreciated the efforts of the European Commission to identify creative solutions, pragmatic and realistic for the implementation of the Protocol regarding Ireland/Northern Ireland with the observance of the limits established by them, expressing, at the same time, solidarity with Ireland. The Romanian state secretary referred to the importance of the implementation of the Agreement of withdrawal by the British authorities, with focus on the observance of the rights of the European citizens, including the Romanians. In the extended context of relations with the UK, Iulia Matei focused on the importance of keeping, by the British party, of a proportionate and balanced approach in check-ups of the European citizens at borders, the MAE press release says.

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