The Board of Banking Employers of Romania considers that the draft law on the sale of real estate properties is "unfair and wrong," the Board's Spokesman Bogdan Preda said on Tuesday. "We will absolutely take all the steps to highlight that this draft law is not only unfair but also wrong. We are witnessing here at helping investors, not social cases. This bill does not differentiate at all between the debtors with social problems and the debtors giving the bank the keys to their beach villas because they believe they have bought them for a high price and now their price is quite low," said Bogdan Preda. He added that all social cases that are no longer able to cover their loans had been included by the National Consumer Protection Authority in its draft law for implementing the European Union's Directive 17 in as early as this year's spring. "The consequence of this law will be increased cost of lending. (...) I believe that it is a bill aimed at solving mainly the problem of the people who hold many properties," concluded Preda.