The Ukrainian electricity grid is ‘connected’ to the European grid, announces on Wednesday the French minister of Ecological Transition Barbara Pompili, whose country has the presidency of the EU, AFP says. ‘We committed to this, and we did it. The Ukrainian electricity grid which functioned isolated at the beginning of the war is connected starting this morning to the European grid’ announces in a posted message on Twitter the French minister for energy. Europe studied over the last period an urgent demand on the part of Ukraine for the synchronization of the electricity grids, which facilitates exchanges between the countries and allows the covering of a supply issue with any of them in a more efficient way. ‘Ukraine has become a member of the European Energy Union’ welcomes president Volodimir Zelenski, in a message posted on Twitter. ‘Starting now, the Ukrainian electricity runs in the European Union and vice versa’ he said.. Ukraine was synchronized with the Russian electricity grid until the Russian invasion and functioned after that alone. The electricity grid of the Republic of Moldova is also connected to the European network, announces Pompili. The association of the managers of European electricity transport grids – Entso-E- says, in its turn, in a press release ‘the success ‘ of synchronizing the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine to Europe. It is about ‘acceleration’ of a process which had been under study since 2017 and which was sped up by the Russian war in Ukraine. The area covered by Entso-E goes beyond the EU borders and includes 35 countries, out of which Island and Cyprus.