Premier Florin Citu announced that the government adopted on Wednesday several normative documents, among which an emergency ordnance which simplifies the process of public procurement and through which the contracts of acquisition will be implemented more quickly and the absorption of European funds increases. ‘Thus, the obligation of the economic operator who is considered a winner to present fiscal certificates for every secondary/working points has been eliminated, this being replaced by a sworn statement which states that he did not break his obligations regarding the payment of taxes or those regarding social insurance contributions, without other supplementary documents. In practice, getting fiscal certificates proved to be an excessive administrative burden, especially in the case of economic operators with hundreds or thousands of secondary locations’ says a press release of the National Agency for Public Procurement (ANAP). As a result, the ordnance adopted by the government introduces measures for the simplification and fluidisation of the process of public procurement, including through the reduction of certain procedure terms regulated by law no.98/2016, law no.99/2016 and law no.100/2016 the press release of the ANAP says. The purpose of the legislative amendments is quicker attribution of contracts of acquisitions and, implicitly, the improvement of the absorption of European funds. At the same time, the amendments operated are essential from the perspective of allocation which Romania will benefit from the PNRR. Other legislative amendments aim at the reduction of the duration of the whole process of public procurement, from over two years (the average duration now) to six months.